Hi, all. I've been writing an 8086 (actually 80186) PC emulator for the Arduino Due. You can interface with it via VNC using a Wiznet 5x00 Ethernet module/shield. I'm working on making it function on a Mega2560 as well, but that's not working quite right yet. Will update if I get that going.
I wasn't able to install an emulator to my android studio installation. So, I copied this link from the studio and downloaded the zip file. Now I need help on how to manually install it using the zip files I downloaded.
!!BETTER!! 8086 Emulator Download 9 3
I had a problem downloading the Emulator(Image files) from the android studio. So when you try to run your app witout an emulator. It asks for an option to create a new emulator wherin it'll download the required files. It use to download 60-70% and give error. So I used the link in the download dialogbox, and manually downloaded the zip file. Now that zip file needs to be extracted and has to be pasted in the sdk folder.
To install: - Android Emulator (emulator) Preparing "Install Android Emulator (revision: 27.3.9)". Downloading -darwin-4899998.zip An error occurred while preparing SDK package Android Emulator: Cannot download ' -darwin-4899998.zip': /var/folders/gf/hgd91n6x5v73ct9dvhr379500000gn/T/PackageOperation02/emulator-darwin-4899998.zip (No such file or directory) , response: 200 OK. "Install Android Emulator (revision: 27.3.9)" failed. Failed packages: - Android Emulator (emulator)
So I faced almost similar error today but it was about updating the emulator itself. Cause was the folder Android tried to download the file needed root permissions to access it. So here is what I did:
I have also had the same error of the emulator failing to install from android studio. I tried downloading the zip and extract it in the SDK as per the top solutions It also didnt work. I just fixed it by allowing android studio through windows firewall and controlled folder access now it downloaded successfully in android studio
MS-DOS 6.22 was the last standalone version produced by Microsoft for Intel 8088, Intel 8086, and Intel 80286 processors, which remain available for download via their MSDN,[84] volume license, and OEM license partner websites, for customers with valid login credentials. MS-DOS is still used in embedded x86 systems due to its simple architecture and minimal memory and processor requirements, though some current products have switched to the still-maintained open-source alternative FreeDOS. 2ff7e9595c