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Fuel Injection Pump Calibration Pdf 76 Everytime Computo Ec


We present a straightforward self-scaling imaging technique to extract the effective minority carrier lifetime image of silicon solar cells using periodically modulated electroluminescence. This novel modulation technique overcomes main limiting factors linked to camera integration time. Our approach is based on comparing three luminescence images taken during current modulation. One image is taken while periodically injecting excess charge carriers with a pulsed current stimulation followed by an open-circuit luminescence decay. A second image with the same injection profile is taken while additionally extracting excess charge carriers at the falling edge, accelerating the luminescence decay. Both images are normalized to a steady-state image. The camera integration time is several orders of magnitude longer than the modulation period length, and no synchronization of image acquisition is needed. The intensity difference between both modulated images is used for determining a calibration factor to convert the steady-state image into the effective minority carrier lifetime image: Our modulation method enables carrier lifetime images completely independent of the image integration time. First carrier lifetime images show good agreement with data from time resolved electroluminescence.

In ECCS of SMART reactor, safety injection pump discharges cooling water into the core to maintain the water level by filling the amount of loss of coolant under emergency situation such as SBLOCA. Once the ECCS starts to operate, the injected water will be impinged to the upper wall of core support barrel (CBS). And the water will fall along the wall forming liquid film or droplets as shown in Fig. 1(b) due to high Reynolds number. The breakup and film flow will be bypassed by high temperature and pressure steam-water mixture cross flow from RCP discharge into the atmosphere through broken injection nozzle. Then, the flow phenomena in the downcomer is very complex situation with including jet impingement, jet breakup, liquid entrainment, steam condensation, counter-current flow and etc. In this study, the hydraulic features of impinging jet were investigated through visualization for full scale test for simulation of SMART ECC jet and SWAT test of 1/5 simulated test for ECCS of SMART reactor and measurement of the film width. And the scaling method for SWAT test was discussed considering jet break up and other phenomena

Fuel Injection Pump Calibration Pdf 76 everytime computo ec

The large-scale test facility (LSTF) of the Rig of Safety Assessment No. 4 (ROSA-IV) program is a volumetrically scaled (1/48) pressurized water reactor (PWR) system with an electrically heated core used for integral simulation of small break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) and operational transients. The 0.1% very small cold-leg break experiment was conducted as the first integral experiment at the LSTF. The test provided a good opportunity to truly assess the state-of-the-art predictability of the safety analysis code RELAP5/MODI CY18 through a blind-blind prediction of the experiment since there was no prior experience in analyzing the experimental data with the code; furthermore, detailed operational characteristics of LSTF were not yet known. The LOCA transient was mitigated by high-pressure charging pump injection to the primary system and bleed and feed operation of the secondary system. The simulated reactor system was safely placed in hot standby condition by engineered safety features similar to those on a PWR. Natural circulation flow was established to effectively remove the decay heat generated in the core. No cladding surface temperature excursion was observed. The RELAP5 code showed good capability to predict thermal-hydraulic phenomena during the very small break LOCA transient. Although all the information needed for the analysis by the RELAP5 code was obtained solely from the engineering drawings for fabrication and the operational specifications, the code predicted key phenomena satisfactorily 2ff7e9595c


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